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By completing the form fields above and clicking the “Agree and Register” button below, you agree to the terms and conditions of participation in the Bull City Classic Holiday Invitational provided in the Liability Waiver below. All form fields must be complete in order for your team to be registered for the tournament.

Liability Waiver

Participating teams shall be responsible for any and all liability for the acts of its basketball team and staff while staying at host hotel/motel.

Participating teams shall be responsible for any and all liability for the acts of its basketball team and staff in the scope of their participation at the Bull City Classic (BCC) Holiday Invitational, including any injuries and/or death and damages of whatever nature to the BCC, the Bull City Classic Holiday Invitational or third parties caused by the basketball team and/or staff participating at the Bull City Classic Holiday Invitational. Any financial liability incurred by the BCC as a result of the participating basketball team, and/or staff shall be reimbursed to the BCC by the participating team upon demand, subject to any limitation there of under applicable laws of the State of North Carolina.